The Kaptagat Forest Marathon blends sporting thrill in running around and about the imposing forestland with the noble conservation course. The run is a conservation advocacy and awareness creation on the degree of deforestation of Kaptagat Forest. This Forest, a water tower in the Mau complex, is under threat of extinction due to human activity. The ecosystem that has over the years been a large water catchment and a source for water bodies in Elgeyo Marakwet and Uasin Gishu counties is diminishing. Human activities in the forest such as agriculture, livestock herding, illegal logging, charcoal burning and firewood harvesting, timber exert immense pressure on forest water catchment. Rivers originating from the forests are on the verge of drying up due to extensive deforestation. Water levels are dropping rapidly. Power generation is serious compromised by low water level. Already Eldoret City is experiencing water shortfall estimated 60,000 cubic metres each day. Water for agriculture, domestic and livestock use continues to decrease. The dams that supply water to Eldoret town continue to recede due to the depletion of forest cover and rising demand for water. Moreover, illegal human activities in the forest undermine conservation efforts and discourage tourists, athletes and other visitors coming to enjoy the environment.